Churchyard Tidy Up
Saturday 02 March 2024
10:00 to 12:00
Weather permitting the voluntary Churchyard Team will be meeting at 10am on Saturday 2nd March for our first maintenance session of the year. There will be plenty of tidying- up to do after all the winter winds! We are a small friendly team that meet up on the first Saturday of each month of the year, except the winter months, from 10am to 12 noon. Regardless of the time of year there are always varied jobs to be carried out and we would welcome new volunteers to join us. So, if you enjoy the fresh air, accompanied by stunning views and serene surroundings, whilst at the same time contributing to keeping the churchyard looking beautiful and cared for, we very much look forward to seeing you! Gardening experience is not necessary! As an added encouragement you will get to enjoy tea/coffee and cake midway through the session!
Location |
St Mary's |