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The Millennium Art Group is a small group of amateur artists who meet in the Millennium Hall on Wednesday
afternoons between 13.45 and 16.45. Formed some ten years ago it was formerly organised by Mary Smith. It
has taken two men to replace Mary, myself and Ash Thakar, with Mary still attending the group acting as our
“Honorary Chairperson” and adviser! We paint mainly in oils and acrylics and the painting styles of our members
range from realism, through impressionism, to abstract. All of us paint separate subjects and help each other with
advice. Our members come from Tatsfield itself, surrounding towns, West Wickham and East and West Sussex.

Generally, we have three “terms” of ten weeks per year. 

Our Spring Term started on 17 January 2024 with our last meeting of the term being 27 March.

Our summer term will start on 17 April and will run through to 3 July.

We hold exhibitions in the Hall and in the Church itself when requested as some of you may have seen. Our latest
exhibition is in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

If you are interested in joining us why not come along to one of our sessions to get a taste of what we do. We are
a friendly bunch and we have room for a couple of more members. If you want to visit us to see us in action we
can offer you tea, biscuits and sometimes cake at about 3pm. To take up this invitation please contact me using
the details below.

Douglas Dawes