NDS - Autumn Concert

Saturday 09 November 2024
19:30 to 22:00

North Downs Sinfonia will be holding it’s Autumn concert on Saturday November 9th at
7.30pm in the Village Hall as usual. We are absolutely delighted that Mariatu KannehMason has agreed to play the Saint Saens Cello concerto for us here in Tatsfield. The
Kanneh-Mason family are of course the most musically talented family in the country,
with seven siblings all playing piano and at least one other instrument to an exceptionally
high standard. They often play together as a group, but all perform individually as well.
The most famous is Sheku, who won the BBC Young Musician of the year in 2016, played
at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and was awarded an MBE in 2021.
The siblings have also been presenters on Classic FM. Mariatu is the youngest of the
siblings, still at school, but already plays cello as a soloist.
The orchestra, under the baton of Jonathan Maynard, will also be playing Beethoven
Symphony 7 in A Major (the ‘Dance’ Symphony) and the Hummel ‘Premier’ Overture.
The symphony was premiered in 1813, when the second movement was so popular that
the audience demanded an encore! By contrast, the Hummel Overture is little known or
played, despite being extremely tuneful.
As usual, tickets will be £10, or £8 for concessions, and can be booked by emailing
northdownssinfonia@gmail.com, and picked up and paid for on the door. Alternatively,
you can phone 01959 577659, or (nearer the date) purchase tickets at Sheree’s Store.
We expect that there will be a very high demand for tickets – we have a maximum
capacity of only 120 - so to avoid being disappointed, book early!

Village Hall